Sakura Education Foundation

Empowering children and young people to lead healthy productive lives

Our Programs

The Sakura Education Foundation delivers programs to disadvantaged children between the ages of 10 and 18 years old.

Our programs are tailored for either primary or secondary school children.

Get Involved

Are you a corporate organisation looking to sponsor the delivery of educational programs for disadvantaged youth?

Becoming a sponsor for the Sakura Education Foundation will assist in the delivery of life changing programs.

Our Partners

The Sakura Education Foundation collaborates with a wide range of schools, specialising in primary and secondary education.

Sponsored by generous foundations, we’re able to help change the lives of hundreds of children each year.

The Sakura Vision

To be Australia’s leading provider of high quality, evidenced-based psycho-educational programs that help disadvantaged young people to lead healthy productive lives.

Our Programs

The Sakura Education Foundation delivers evidence based psycho-educational programs underpinned by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to enable children to build and develop as they transition through adolescence.

Primary School Programs

Tailored for children in the 10 to 12 year age group, our primary school programs deliver a pathway for children to build their cognitive skills, as well as their social and emotional skills by enhancing key behavioural indicators.

Children that have experienced disadvantage including, but not limited to trauma, socioeconomic or cultural disadvantage, disengagement from school, learning difficulties, mental health concerns, or are potentially victims, and/or are at risk of offending because of family, social, and substance issues are guided through development of resilience, coping mechanisms, and appropriate responsive behaviour.

 Secondary School Programs

Developed for teenagers in the 13 to 18 age group, our programs for teenagers provide an avenue for the older children to develop their need for enhanced resilience, effective coping mechanisims, leadership skills, and appropriately respond to adversity.

Like the primary school programs, the secondary school programs are suitable for young people that have experienced a traumatic past or might potentially be victims that are or could be at risk of offending because of a history of family violence, child protection issues, mental health issues, drug and alcohol abuse, education issues, or anti-social behaviour.

Sakura recognises that all children already possess strengths, but need to develop qualities to assist in developing resilience to cope with life’s challenges.

Our Impact

In 2024 we have


Children Helped

Programs Ran

Partner Schools

With the help of our sponsors, we aim to steadily increase these numbers each year.

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment, which builds resilience and fosters positive behaviours by changing how an individual views and responds to life’s challenges.

The primary goal of CBT is to help an individual to understand that although they cannot control everything that happens in their life, they can control how they see things and thus how they then behave.

The central premise of CBT is that thoughts influence feelings and in turn behaviours. CBT views emotional upset as caused and perpetuated by the ways in which an individual has learnt to think about the things that happen to them.

The focus of CBT is building the skills that help a person to reduce their negative thinking, and thereby positively impact their feelings and behaviours. These skills promote resilience which helps a person to better cope with life’s challenging situations.

The Sakura Education Foundation delivers CBT that is tailored at children between the ages of 10 and 18 years old.

The lead facilitator in Sakura programs is a psychologist or other professional with training and experience in the delivery of CBT.

CBT Triangle

The Sakura Mission

We deliver high quality, evidence-based programs that provide disadvantaged young people key skills for successfully transitioning from childhood to adolescence and adulthood, so that they have the best chance of leading healthy productive lives.

Our Partners

 We work with a wide range of public schools.

Norfolk Village State School
Ormeau State School

Register Your School or ogranisation

Register your school or organisation for the Sakura Education Foundation programs and help change the lives of disadvantaged children.

Become a Sponsor

Every donation helps us provide educational programs to the school aged children that are most in need.